Understanding Trans
Autohetero Files
ep01— Fell

ep01— Fell

Interview with a based AAP

I expressed interest in recording interviews with self-aware autoheterosexuals, and Fell was the first to reach out. Thanks for getting this ball rolling, Fell!

Note: I’ll be posting my backlog of recorded conversations here once a day until it’s caught up, so expect emails for the next ten days.

There aren't many videos out there in which autoheterosexuals discuss their experiences in terms of autoandrophilia or autogynephilia. To increase our visibility, I wanted to start recording some conversations with autoheterosexuals so that others out there can relate and feel less alone in their experience of gender and sexuality.

The first video in this series is with Fell, an autoandrophilic female. She has a lifetime of experience with autoandrophilia and is uncommonly open and unashamed when talking about it. We talked about her childhood experiences of dressing like masculine role models, how her autoandrophilia ramped up in adolescence, how it manifests in sexual fantasies, and other experiences related to autoandrophilia. I applaud Fell for embodying the masculine virtue of courage by being willing to speak openly about her experiences. As more autoheterosexuals come out, it'll take less courag

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Understanding Trans
Autohetero Files
Stories of autoheterosexuality from those who experience it.
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phil illy